Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Written Essay Part 2

                 A lesson that could be learned from watching Seven Pounds is, people should sacrifice something for those who truly deserve it. In the final death scene of Ben, it goes through flash backs of the accident where he lost his fiancée and killed six others. The flashbacks infer that he’s basically been dead since the accident (Seven Pounds). The whole scene is a show with low key lighting, a darkness which the audience can feel sad and sorry for him. The ice and the shower curtain look like the glass and the crushed steel from the wreck. . This lesson relates the theme because even though Ben when through something as horrific as he did, killing seven people, he decides that the better thing to do is even he still ends up taking his life, he gives back to people who are struggling. The scene where Ben and Emily are sitting in the field can relate to my image. Ben and Emily take Duke for a walk and they sit down together and have a heart to heart so to speak (Seven Pounds). This shot is very calming as they are sitting in the meadow as the wind is blowing. The shot can relate to my image by, both are life and death sitting right next to each other and neither can collate with one another. It also can say how Emily had kind of brought Ben out of a darkness he’s in. This film helps support my thesis because Ben has been very depressed since the wreck and when Emily comes into the picture, he starts to change his way of thinking about life. Gabriele Muccino says “he’s a dark whole” (Seven Pounds). This relates to my thesis very much because as my theme is, darkness can be help if you have someone there for you, which is what Ben is, Ben is darkness and as the movie keeps going it looks like his darkness is getting darker each shot until he starts spending time with Emily who eventually start to change his mind on killing himself, which is why he went back to the hospital to find what the chances were of her getting a new heart was. It didn’t work out in his favor which is why he decides to give his heart to her.
                    War ruins people both mentally and physically. PTS(D) is one of the most known side effects of war. It was extremely common in WWI and WWII. PTS(D) relates to my image very well as PTS(D) is darkness. When you go through something as horrific as war it can mess you up. When the SEAL TEAM SIX guy came in to talk to use, one of the things that shook me and gave the class a better understanding of PTS(D) was when he said “I can taste blood in the air at random times” (PTSD). PTS(D) has darkness all around it. It can get so bad than a person will kill himself just to make it stop. In the film The War is a good example of PTS as the father has times when he wakes up freaking out about dreams of the War. Also an example of PTS when he attacks the father of the kids that bullied his kids (The War). It relates to my thesis because when a person has PTS he/she has to have a person in their life that can help and slowly pull them out of there darkness.
                    You can overcome mostly anything with the help of a friend is a lesson that is learned from Smoke Signals. Thomas and Victor go off to recover Victors fathers ashes who left them when they were very young because of the fire he created that killed Thomas’s parents. Thomas asks Victor many times “Victor why did your father leave?” (Smoke signals), because Thomas really knew why he left and wanted to see if Victor would finally find out why he left and to not hate his father. Thomas is basically Victor’s healer as the journey continues with the both of them. It relates to my lesson because without the help from Thomas, Victor probably would have never have found the truth. This film relates to my image because Arnold, Victors father, ended up falling back into alcohol to try and cure him and forget what he had done. He also ends up cutting his hair which his native tribes is very frowned a pone because the meaning of hair is your life (Smoke Signals).
                    There’s a lot more you can find out about a music video if you look closer. My music video can relate to my lesson because, the video was about a family in distress in a hurricane and how it affects their lives. Help is on the Way by Rise Against is very touching in what the video makes you feel with the video combined with the lyrics (Visual Literacy). The mise-en-scene is where when you can pause the video you can tell the whole story. When the young boy is in the attic were they reside in when their house starts to flood, he looks out a crack in the house and see how high the water is and the destruction it caused. This video relates to the thesis on when the boy and the girl are on the roof and looking at the butterfly as it flies on his leg (Visual Literacy). Even though all this destruction and sadness is surrounding the children they see the beauty of nature when the boy and girl are laughing and smiling when they see the butterfly. It also relates to the image by how even though there’s darkness around them they still find some light to smile upon. The mom is trying to gather all the photos and images when the flood starts (Visual Literacy).  Its show the meaning of those items as even though the water is up to her knees she still tries to gather them.

                   Alcohol doesn't pull you out of depression, it drags you deeper. The Ceremony relates to my lesson because in the book the soldiers always fall back on alcohol, expessually Tayo. Tayo always reverts to alcohol in and attempt to forget his brother Rocky getting killed. It doesn't help that his family doesn't except him for who he is because of him mother. Tayo is half whit, half Native American and isn't accepted by either side which is very hard for him. 

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